Monday, July 9, 2012

Reading Aloud to Childrem

Reading aloud is very important to children. There are many different reasons why it is good to read aloud to your children for example when a parent begins to read aloud to their child in their early life it rapidly develops their speaking skills. I also think that reading aloud to your child prepares them for academic success in the future. When a child is read aloud to it helps them increase their vocabulary skills. For example when I was a child I only like certain books and would only allow my mom to read these books to me over and over again. I personally do not think that I was prepared for academic success until college. I also know that my vocabulary is very small and I think that maybe because I didn't allow my mom to read a variety of books may have had an impact on that. Some good tips to reading aloud to your child is to read everyday around the same time, use expression, allow your child to look at the pictures, and also don't be afraid to stop in the story and relate things in the book to real life experiences. Children tend to be more interested when they connect something they are learning to something that they already know. When you are reading aloud to your child make sure to be excited. Give your child the opportunity to make predictions and talk about the pictures. To find a good book you can visit your local library and if you are unsure of what kind of books you are looking for, ask a librarian they are more than happy to help. Another thing that you could do is ask family and friends about good books that they have heard of and check them out. What I think all parents should do if they want to learn more about reading aloud to their child is to check out Mem Fox's website or read her books. Here is a link to her website to check it out.

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